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Гарна гра 

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Fantastic NaissanceE vibes ! thanks a lot for the unique experience. You should definitively with gaming industry on twitter, you brought a unique perspective and there too few games like that <3

Thank you so much for your support !

Guys if you want 1 hour of free consulting on game funding in FR feel free to contact me on twitter or LinkedIn it will be a pleasure !

Hiii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hopefully it is useful to you :D

-The idea of the game is good and interesting.

-The gameplay mechanics are great but the level design has some flaws in the way they get combined as a result of the control scheme for keyboard as It is not the more common one.

-Visually the game is quite outstanding on some aspects and is quite eye catching in terms of scene illumination.

Hopefully this is useful to you :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)


Thanks for supporting us ! 

We'll improve the game with your feedbacks. See you soon in our supermarket ! 

You are welcome ^^

The control scheme is a bit of when playing with keyboard. I want to use WASD, but I can't change the keys (I find the option, but It doesn't work).

Thanks for reporting this problem ! This is just a display issue, you can change the controls but you have to click on the "control" button on top to refresh what's written.

Have fun ! 

Thanks. After a restart everything worked just as it should :)


did you ever playtest this? It's horribly frustrating. I do understand it's a student game, but it is close to unplayable.

Contains Spoiler for completion

Thanks a lot for your support.

You earned a gift card in our supermarket for being such a good customer !

(3 edits)

Vraiment excellent, j'ai vraiment énormément adoré ! Que ce soit la DA de Absentia, l'ambiance, les épreuves, le magasin avec la musique qui rend FOU à force de l'entendre et les commentaires qui mettent encore plus dans l'ambiance, bonne idée d'utiliser l'éclairage pour guider le joueur, et très bonne opti également, non vraiment excellent boulot à vous 3, surtout pour votre premier jeu sur UE4, très original, rien à dire c'est nickel ! 

PS : le nouveau lien fonctionne parfaitement bien

Juste un petit truc, à "l'epreuve 3" (le gif juste en dessous) la première fois que j'ai atterri sur une plateforme elle n'a fait que descendre (logique) car je n'ai pas eu le reflexe de sauter sur la suivante, et j'ai donc attendu pour voir si j'allais réapparaitre dans le magasin, ce qui n'était pas le cas, je suis donc descendu / tombé de la plateforme pour forcer la réapparition et rien, juste du rouge partout, à part ça RAS !

Merci beaucoup pour ce retour et ces remarques, elles vont être prises en compte pour améliorer le jeu.

En espérant te revoir très vite dans nos rayons !

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for warning us.
Sorry for that, a new link is up !

Broken link

Thanks for warning us.
Sorry for that, a new link is up !

Deleted 3 years ago

Broken download link

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Sorry for that, a new link is up !

Deleted 3 years ago